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            NOTE: Most product dimensions are approximate within manufacturing tolerances and in many cases are a close approximation after converting from metric.



Upper and Lower Guides and Gate Stops for Sliding Doors

Item Number
247F, 36-30, 248-60, 201, 202 and more
Grouped product items

Adjustable Guide Plate for up to 3-3/8", 2 Wheel, Galvanized

Adjustable wall mount top guide. For frames up to 3⅜"

Item Number : 247F




Guide Roller w/ 2-3/8" dia. Nylon Wheel, Ground Mount, Galvanized Mounting Plate

This bottom guide roller will keep the sliding door steady and straight.

2-3/8" dia. nylon wheel
Ground mounted
Galvanized mounting plate

Item Number : 248-60




Bottom Guide with 1-3/16" (30mm) Brass Roller

This bottom guide roller will keep the sliding door plum and vertical.

1-3/16" (30mm) dia. brass roller
Ground mounted
Galvanized mounting plate

Item Number : 36-30




Gate Stop, Galvanized, 4-3/4" high, Bolt on

Galvanized runaway gate stop for use with rolling/sliding gates.
- to be screwed on
- 4-3/4" high

Item Number : 202




Gate Stop with Triple Function, Bolt-on, Galvanized

Gate Stop with triple function for rolling/sliding or swing gates.
- to be screwed on
-  5-3/16" high

Item Number : 201




Gate Stop, Damped, Galvanized, 3x4 base, Bolt on

Galvanized damped runaway gate stop for use with rolling/sliding and swinging gates.
- to be screwed on
- 4-3/16" high

Item Number : 202F-A




Gate Stop, Adjustable w/ Slot to accommodate up to a 2-1/2" Gate Frame, Galvanized, 5-1/8" High, Bolt on

Galvanized adjustable runaway gate stop for use with rolling/sliding and swinging gates. This gate stop has a slot to accommodate up to a 2-1/2" gate frame.
- to be screwed on
- 5-1/8" high

Item Number : 202F-B




Runaway Stop for inside of 398 and 399 Track, Galvanized

This galvanized gate stop, with rubber bumper, is to be used within the 398 and 399 sliding door track.

Item Number : 246




Item Summary

Choose from a variety of adjustable ground mounted door stops and guide rollers for the bottom of the door.

More Information
SKU 247F, 36-30, 248-60, 201, 202 and more
Brands Comunello